Backyard Insects - paintings
Backyard background painting
Backyard background painting, with objects placed in. The wood pile ended up being repainted by our second artist due to initial roles of me, as the background painter, and the second artist as the character (insects) and objects painter. Due to balancing issues, the objects painter role got sent back to me, haha.
Bugology game logo, version 3.
Logo sketches. Client ended up liking two images, one as the logo and the other, the client selected as the game's icon.
There ended up being quite a few designs I went through when designing the logo.
From the selected logos, I went through many iterations.
But of course, there were ideas, paintings and assets that were unused, such as the original game user interface design I had designed, sketched, created parts for and mocked up.
Sketches of the GUI for client
Mockup of GUI for client / developer to build. Our group's third developer voiced out that this setup would cause a lot of lost space, and tiny assets, to which I agreed.
The main menu (settings) UI design, the client wanted me to design for, also got unused. Or at least the main game menu that is released with the testers (demo) version, is using a simple version.
Other unused assets and ideas included buttons and Login/ Create Account screens.
Unused Create Account/ Login mockups.
Bug Book UI mockup, version 1.1
The Bug Book mockup stayed unchanged mostly from the version 1.0; just color changes, and removal of clients' side arrows to be replaced with folded pages.