11:44 pm Pacific
I'm changing up my posts' formats this time; instead of making separate posts for each WIP, I decided to put them together in the same post. It's not a large difference (or at least as much as I can recall) so one large post rather than 2 posts is fine.
Still Life: Objects of Personal Interest WIP 3
Still Life - Objects selected by instructor WIP 3
For both I mainly darkened the darks (thus eliminating the grayness of the drawing) and sharpened the edges. I'm not too sure if I sharpened the edges enough; they still look fuzzy up close but that might be the paper's texture getting in the way...
I'm surprised how much work I was able to get done today, and by done I mean 'it looks like I'm done but if I have time this weekend after finishing up my rough painting for my Color and Design class'. In my head, it seems like I'll have time since I'm about 70-80% done with painting in my rough, then I can put it on mat board. The foreground element is a bit difficult to paint in mostly because of the bad printed copy. I need to really get into the habit of printing a few shades lighter since the printer at our library prints darker. Luckily I had the original grayscale, posterized image on my computer so I have that as reference. But even with that, it's driving me a little crazy, though I admit most of that might be because I was going crazy in my mind and stressing over how much work I had to get done so I could at least enjoy Thanksgiving weekend. I can't really call it a Thanksgiving break since it's literally Thanksgiving Day and the weekend.
I wonder if I will get to fully relax the next two days; I'll be at a friend's house for Thanksgiving so that was a reason why I was freaking out over if I'd be able to get things done before I go to her house or risk overwhelming myself the last two days of Thanksgiving Weekend.
I can't wait for winter break; a good solid month of just relaxing and not stressing over getting assignments done and in good order. No stressing about using every single minute of the week, and weekend if need be, to get work done so I could at least have Saturdays and Sundays to myself, free from assignments.
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