Saturday, February 28, 2015

thumbnails for Lantern Square concept

I was thinking about a lantern filled area of a city street, since it was around Chinese Lunar New Year time. Of course, it's past New Year's now but the idea is still around.
I also researched some photos on city squares, though I focused more on European styled squares since I like their designs. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Still life painting - Learning to paint Glass

So this week's in class painting, we started on how to paint glass objects. My group selected a lightbulb as our glass objects.

Apologies , the top left corner is so blown out , I couldn't get a good lighting even with hitting the light side to keep it balanced. This week 's was almost more contained in terms of time with only 3 hours since our latter half of class was focused on our 1st homework critique. 

Last week's in class painting wasn't posted on my blog so I'm including it in this post rather than making a new one. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Self portrait - Structural drawing with optional tone

For my Heads and Hands class, we were given two weeks to draw a self portrait using structural lines. Tone was optional but I ended up toning my hair in WIP 2.

The nose and eyes were adjusted from WIP 1 and I still couldn't get my right eye ( left in image) to look right , the pupil and iris were in tangent with my glasses so it was pretty difficult to determine where the pupil stopped and where the frame of my glasses started. 

I gave it my best and worked on toning the hair, shadows and highlights included. It turned out pretty well in my opinion but I'll have to see how the group critique turns out ! 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Self portrait - Structural drawing

As part of the Heads and Hands class I'm in, we're to draw a self portrait. I haven't decided yet if I want to tone anything yet, aside from the eyes that I've done. I could tone the hair to show that it's dark hair , rather than light. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Rose Water character design brainstorm

 A redesign of one of my characters. I believe I've changed her design at least 3-4 times since I first drew my comic (the very first version, the fanfic version).
Currently debating if I should change her name though.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

" Dusty Clues" - mock Isometric game project

Assets for an isometric game for my Visual Development for Mobile/Web Games class.

Reference material for game assets, buildings and detectives. 

Influence material for the project.