Monday, April 28, 2014

Modeling a head in my Figure Modeling class

The eye really didn't turn out that bad, surprisingly. But then again, I don't know if it is or not since I thought the same for my ear and apparently all the eyes the class made were bad. 

The lips didn't turn out that bad either. 

That head will forever urk me since there's a large bump I couldn't fix. I believe the newspaper underneath was affecting it....
Hopefully my head for the character design sculpture will turn out better!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Teens of Valor - Teleportation Bay sketch

For this week's comic release, it's a concept idea release rather than the next page of the chapter.

The Teleportation Bay is a temporary name but it's what the name says. This location has been shown in the comic already, albeit from different angles. The idea is, in order for the members of the group, whom have had their name revealed in last week's chapter, to get to the areas in need of assistance, teleporting is the quickest method, thus this room. I could have a hanger in a different section of the headquarters for other forms of travel. Actually, I should since if the Teleportation Bay ever gets taken over or taken out, there are other ways for the Heroes of CoOperation (HCOP) to leave their headquarters.

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A reminder: Next week will be the next comic page!

Friday, April 25, 2014

"Black Magic" 50 min speedpaint

I haven't painted in such a long time! One of today's themes in the speed painting group I joined was "Black Magic". 
I was able to get most of my idea down in 20 mins, which I was surprised about! Usually I have less than half the 50 min time slot left to start the details. Though the speed painting itself isn't that great, I'm pretty happy at my improvement in getting the idea down faster.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rough Thumbs for composition ideas for myth painting/photo montage.

For one of my finals, I need to create a photo montage (or in my case, paint over the photos). Part 1 of 3 of the final is to create several thumbs of possible composition and angles. 
I tried to create thumbnails in a simple value (3 values) but it's rather difficult after trying to get the values as smooth as possible. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

So much nostalgia and so much to learn from old cartoons

Recently in my visual development history class, we've been mentioning good cartoons to do studies of for storyboarding and visdev. For example, the Flintstones and the way they created the objects to fit the times, for example the elephant vaccum cleaner or the bird radio/record player. Or even cartoons with great storyboards to study such as Superfriends. Or Johnny Quest for their hallmark position in adventure and action cartoons. So many Hannah Babara cartoons from my childhood (or even before my childhood) that offer great knowledge! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Teens of Valor - Chapter 1 page 13

Story so far: The news report covering the incident at Curquill City presents a lead to the brother's whereabouts. 

- - -- - - 
Next week will be a concept sketch! The following week after next will be the next page. 

Teens of Valor - Fire Lily character painting

The sketch (line work) I posted two weeks ago has been painted in! The color scheme for Fire Lily has been mostly red over the years but recently I've started adding black. I added textures for the bridge (not the railing), the grass and her shirt, otherwise, the rest is all painted in. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Foreshortening with a story

For this week in my clothe figure drawing class, we started foreshortening. Therefore our assignment for this week was to draw two foreshortened figure, one from the head and the other from the feet. The catch was there needed to be a story involved. 

18x24 in newsprint; pencil and colored pencil

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Teens of Valor - Chapter 1 page 12

Story: Spark Shock gets reprimanded over her decision and possible leads to the so called brother are followed up. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Painting for my brother's birthday

My brother's birthday was a few days ago so I'm late in terms of posting about it but for his birthday, I decided to paint a painting of him and his camera. It's not super accurate but I worked a little more on structure and clothing folds than I would have in the past (pre- art school). 

I haven't posted anything art-wise the past few days since I really didn't have much to write about. Soon, finals will start taking up my time but I think I should still have time to do paintings and comic pages.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I need to's

There's so much I need to do to bring up my skill level.
I need to:
- read Loomis' book, particularly proportion 
- master copies of said proportion and structure from said book
- do more head studies, more hand and feet studies
- watch all the videos in control paint's library
- work on comic and portfolio through concept art for comic, alternating weeks between the two
- draw more dynamic poses , particularly foreshortening 

Things I need to do this weekend: 
- grocery shop
- buy binder for history of VisDev final
- add more to vis dev collection final search up those artists mentioned during class , due in 5 weeks 
- take photos for panerma assignment, due next weds
- start thinking about what myth to do for digital media final
- possibly start looking for head foreshortened and feet foreshortened. For clothed figure class, will be assignment next week. Needs story to it. 
- start taking photos of drawings from class, homework or workshop for clothed figure portfolio final. 
- start drafting next page of comic once immediate homework is out of the way 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Teens of Valor - Fire Lily character painting (WIP)

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I planned to alternate between paintings and comic pages. Therefore, this week, I have a sketch up instead of a comic page. (Next week will be a comic page instead).
The sketch (or line work in this case) is of one of my characters' Fire Lily. She's one of the first characters I created and her appearance has altered quite often! 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Eventful weekend

So my weekend started out with seeing Captain America The Winter Soldier in theaters Friday morning, which by the way, people should definitely go see! Phase 2 is going to be awesome judging by the events that occur in Winter Soldier.

**SLIGHT SPOILER** (highlight to read)

After seeing Winter Soldier, recalling the events of Agents of SHIELD, especially the most recent episode, it made sense what was going on in both Winter Solider and Agents of SHIELD. I had a realization today that Agents of SHIELD is basically the events between Avengers and Winter Solider.  

**end spoiler **

After being super excited for what's to come in Phase 2 and realizing there's at least 3 movies next month that I want  to see, I had to settle down a little bit so I could work on comic pages (both my own and my friend's). Later in the evening, I got to meet up with some of my floor mates for some snacks and chatting and ended up playing Left for Dead 2 with one of them, haha. 

Then today, I went to a Costume Carnival. It's a drawing event that the Illustration Department holds every semester with a different theme. This semester's theme was something along the lines of people you meet while on the road. Each model has their own character. I didn't get to draw all of them; 1) I arrived late about an hour and a half and 2) I didn't go to the other room with other models in them. 

I don't know why I work right to left when I sketch... 
These were mostly 10 minute sketches, with the exception of those towards the end. 

I ended up slightly cartoon-izing the model while he was posing. 

10 minute sketches of some of the female models. 

I started taking more photos and the timed sessions kinda started to overlap so I didn't get the full 10 minutes on some of these. 

The models were great though! They gave a lot of character to their poses and like the one above, they provided a story to the pose too! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hands, feet and shoes - study sketches

I'm finding myself deliberately selecting these unique poses for study sketches, haha. I suppose it's a good thing since I'll be drawing those less common poses. I might be even consciously choosing these poses because of that. 
My references were from