Sunday, December 30, 2012

Broken Fortress - part 2 (base colors)

9:21 pm EST

I was going to draw another fan art but I realized I never did get around to finishing this yet. Here are the rough base colors at the moment.

rough base colors
rough base colors


9:41 pm EST

And.... I realized I forgot the values.

Broken Fortress base

new base colors (Soft Light mode layer) 
new base colors (Soft Light mode layer)

Broken Fortress - part 3 (colors / finished)

11:27 pm EST

Some minor details - I'm rather lazy tonight it seems.

Broken Fortress

Sketches done while at the mall

Re-sketch of an original character

View from above attempt or at an angle at very least

Mutant robotic bunny that was inspired from a random hat I saw in a store though all I kept from the hat was the main shape ( bunny's body shape)

Hair style was partly drawn from the carpet design in the mall

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Avengers - part 3 (finished)

10:33 pm EST

Fan art finished! I would have went into more detail but maybe I'll go back to this one day and fully flesh the details out, such as metal reflections and the like.


Avengers - part 2 (values)

6:46 pm EST

I've added in values now, still unsure about the placement of the logo though but I might as well leave it as it now that I've added the tones.


Avengers - part 1.5c (corrected sketch)

2:50 pm EST

Added in Thor since I forgot to add him last night. The logo is currently placed in the top right corner; I'm still not sure if I want to place it there though.

corrected sketch, with Thor 
corrected sketch, with Thor

Friday, December 28, 2012

Avengers - part 1.5 (finished sketch)

12:19 am EST

Finished up the rough sketch and fixed up the details that needed to be corrected, such as the Hulk's structure and Iron Man's armor.


/edit 1:04 am
I realized I forgot about Thor while I was sketching the fan art. I'll have to move the avengers logo to the side and place Thor there tomorrow then.
... Or if there's enough room, move the logo down or downscale it.

Avengers - part 1 (sketch)

7:00pm EST

Incomplete sketch of The Avengers fan art

Avengers sketch

Broken Fortress - part 1 (sketch)

4:34 pm EST

I had this random shot that came into my head two nights ago and finally got around to putting it on paper, paper.  Here's a rough sketch of it, I still need to add more details in the walls and ceilings though.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

League of Legends - Vi - part 4 (finished)

9:47 pm EST

All coloring layers, in the end, were placed into Soft Light layer mode. I went back and fixed up the base color layer to make things a little more neater and briefly colored rest of the missing parts in a separate layer.


League of Legends - Vi - part 3.5b (values completed)

9:05 pm EST

After coming back from dinner, I worked on this for around 40 minutes.

Here is the completed grayscaled version:

light source is coming from bottom right corner
light source is coming from bottom right corner

League of Legends - Vi - part 3.5 (values)

6:20 pm EST

Actually, I will  use the values first then colors after method... I have yet to go into details with the values; it looks like I have to do that after dinner as my stomach is growling.

values and references
values and references

League of Legends - Vi - part 3 (base colors)

5;54 pm EST

I actually didn't paint in values first before coloring for this piece. I usually would have, since I love that coloring method but I wanted to get more drawings in so to sorta save time, I went directly to coloring.

base colors, references base colors, references

League of Legends - Vi - part 2 (outline)

5:24 pm EST

I roughly outlined my sketch from a few days ago and made a few edits in the lines, such as the raised arm.

Vi outline

Pikachu calendar - Jan - part 2 (finished)

4:35 pm EST

I never did end up zooming in, but I didn't want to given the coloring style I went with.

Pikachu Calendar Jan fireworks

Pikachu Calendar - Jan - part 1 (Sketch, base)

3:36 pm EST

The Pikachu calendar is a gift for a friend of mine, who gave me a Zelda calendar. Let's see if I can successfully make 12 Pikachu themed calendar images !

Here's Jan so far:

sketch sketch

base with some shading base with some shading

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Futuristic Sheriff - part 3 (base, shading, finished, videos)

7:11 pm EST

So I decided to finish the painting all in one go, which took about 4 hours for just the coloring. As a result, all my recordings (which somehow got divided between 4 video files) need to be uploaded one at a time instead of combining the 4 and trying to speed it up. (Even then, at 64x , it's still pretty long apparently, unless I misread the time shown on Window  Live Movie Maker).

base colors
base colors

shading, with color palette  
shading, with color palette


Part 1       , Part 2     , Part 3

(I ended up combining the last two hour long recordings into one.)


League of Legends - Vi - sketch

11: 21 am EST

Sketched out a fan art for a friend as a thank you gift.

Vi from League of Legends.

References: splash art , 3D model render


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Futuristic Sheriff - part 2 (values)

7:09 pm EST

Tried a new way to apply the values:


The result seems softer and overall better method for me.

Video of process

Futuristic Sheriff - part 1 (sketch)

6:06 pm EST

sketch that all branched from drawing that scarf, specifically the collar part
sketch that all branched from drawing that scarf, specifically the collar part

I wanted to sketch something with the idea of using a different grayscale /value coloring style. After I drew that scarf, specifically the collar part, it all branched out into a sheriff theme, which then became a futuristic sheriff when I drew that glove.

Video (sped up ) of process : Youtube video

deviantArt link 

City Chase - part 7 (finished)

5:14 pm EST

Spent around an hour and a half finishing up with defining certain parts of the piece after I painted the streets. After that, I went in and detailed certain things like the two people, the lights and the vehicles. To finish it off, I painted in the glow parts of the piece, such as the lights and the control panel of the vehicle in the back.

defined parts of piece, detailed drivers, vehicles and lights , painted glow defined parts of piece, detailed drivers, vehicles and lights , painted glow
total completion time : 4-6+ hours?

Monday, December 24, 2012

City Chase - part 6 (more details)

11:39 pm EST

most of finer details put int most of finer details put in
( I meant to post this earlier but a League of Legends game got in the way ^^: )

I still need to fine tune the details for the window, the two people and their respective vehicles.

City Chase - part 5 (more details)

10:50 pm EST
Made a quick custom brush  from Airbrush Pen Opacity Brush (default brush)
size 250px , opacity 40%, fade 0, hue jitter 0%, scatter 11% (around), spacing 25%,  hardness 100%, angle 0%, roundness 100%
road painted

City Chase - part 4 (more shading, some details)

10:31 pm EST

Spent around 1.5 -2  hours painting in another layer of shading and some details.

shading , some details

City Chase - part 3 (base, some shading)

6:33 pm EST

The base layer image I included in this post is at Normal 100% but the way I have it set in the PSD file is Soft Light 100%. If I showed anyone the base layer with soft light mode, the colors wouldn't be very visible, so for showing sake, I've saved an image of the layer in  Normal mode.

base colors, for sake of viewing - this is on Normal mode, but should be in Soft Light mode for the work. base colors, for sake of viewing - this is on Normal mode, but should be in Soft Light mode for the work.

Reason I have the layer on soft light mode is for the shading layer. With the base colors on soft light, the shading layer looks a bit darker rather than just another layer of normals.

shading layer #1Normal 100% shading layer #1
Normal 100%

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Barnaby from Tiger & Bunny

6:23 pm est
Or at least someone similar to how Barnaby looks like in the series.

Random sketch - character redesign attempt 2

5:53 pm est
I make a quick sketch earlier this morning but didn't quite like the turnout so I went back and fixed parts of the proportions and details.


Saturday, December 22, 2012



(Yes! I have finally figured out how to upload images on Wordpress app!)
11:17 pm EST

After watching a few speed drawing videos on YouTube, I wanted to draw rather than sketch out a drawing. Here's the result.
I personally don't like it as much...

Lady Ribbon - part 5 (finished)

painted over the line work and fixed up the mouth. painted over the line work and fixed up the mouth.

6:59 pm EST

Took about an hour to paint over the line work and to paint the mouth (which took longer than expected as I was trying to get the colors right and not too overly bright.)

Lady Ribbon - part 4 (shading)

shading - Normal layer 100% shading - Normal layer 100%

5:56 pm EST

About an hour and 45 mins spent to shade in everything.


4:01 pm EST

I'm doing some "house cleaning" with my posts on this blog; now there are "Concept Art" and "character design" categories.

Additionally, I've linked my WordPress blog with my Facebook page!

Lady Ribbon - part 3 (base colors)

base colors with color palette base colors with color palette

3:46 pm EST

Though I'm not sure if I want to keep that hair color, these are the colors I'll be using for this character concept art!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Lady Ribbon's Sword - part 8 (finished)

highlights added on -  Linear Dodge (Add) layer at 70%, brush at 30% highlights added on - Linear Dodge (Add) layer at 70%, brush at 30%

12:44 am EST

Lady Ribbon's Sword - part 7 (colors part 3)

fix ups, thinning outlines, painting over line work fix ups, thinning outlines, painting over line work

11:48 pm EST

[Partially] painting over the line work the line work takes more time than I always expect, then again, I was zoomed in more rather than working on it zoomed out.

Before the painting over line work layer, I had to go back and make a fix up layer to fill in any spots I didn't cover during the base or shading layers.

Both fix up and painting over layers were in Normal Mode 100% but I played around with 50% and 70% opacity for the Airbrush Opacity Flow (default brush) and obviously changed brush sizes.

I should make a new group one day for that brush for different sizes that way I don't have to manually change it every time and can just quick select  or use the key shortcuts.

Lady Ribbon's Sword - part 6 (more colors)

1st layer of shading, done! 1st layer of shading, done!

9:42 pm EST

Finished first layer of shading - I don't know when I started exactly, for the second part of shading, but at most an hour considering when I came back from dinner.

Lady Ribbon's Sword - part 5 (colors part1)

some of the shading done. Currently set as a normal layer (100%) some of the shading done. Currently set as a normal layer (100%)

6:38 pm EST

Some progress so far as I fixed up the values (somewhat minor so I'm not reuploading the new values layer). I did have to change the background color so I could tell what was already shaded in terms of values (gray background + gray values = not such a great idea).

The right sword is more complete if anything; I'm still finishing up the left sword.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lady Ribbon's Sword - part 4 (base colors)

2:14 pm EST

I would have had this up sooner, but I got distracted by an online  game!

I couldn't decide what layer mode to put this on; soft light would have been my usual choice but the colors were too opaque. Maybe I'll go back and play around with the opacity of the layer while using Soft Light mode.

base colors on Hard Light mode base colors on Hard Light mode

/edit Nope, Soft Light at lower opacity level settings is worse than at 100%.

Lady Ribbon's Sword - part 3 (line, re-values)

12:50 pm EST

linework linework

redo on Values redo on Values