Sunday, August 31, 2014

Teens of Valor - White Lie character painting

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I strangely went towards a cool color palette, considering the character's name but his ability allows for him to figure out lies from truths. 
Heads up for next week onwards: My classes start up so both comic pages and comic concepts will be most likely delayed. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

So my schedule's well ordered enough that I have time to paint and do other hobbies...

... or at least for now it is, but it's gonna change once classes start up for me. (Thursday after Labor Day)

At least, while classes haven't started up yet, I'm making time to paint another one of my characters. I've got the WIPs uploaded on my Behance so for anyone who's been watching my Twitter, this isn't news. 
So far, as of right now, I've got the initial sketch, and the first two WIPs in the project page. I'm hoping to work up the rest of the basic stuff soon so I can start adding textures. I'm wondering if I should go in and draw in some lines. Incomplete? Colors that work well with the object/subject? No lines?... Hm, nah on that last one. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Teens of Valor - Chapter 2 page 4

Story so far: Lisa finds the person who cried for help but escape to safety isn't proving to be easy.

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I opted to try another shading method once again for this week's comic. Next week is a comic concept. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Getting back into thumbnailing and various digital sketching

I'm still playing around with SAI settings; the blending, dilution and persistence settings always mess with me when I try to get the right blend I want. 
So far I'm liking the 40% blend, 60% dilution, 30% persistence combo. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Teens of Valor - Haven City buildup #2

Haven City Hospital added, Financial District adjusted, roads readjusted and Weave Street added.
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Since this week was rather busy, with my preparation and flight back home, I made a back up plan of adding onto Haven City for this week's comic concept.

Friday, August 15, 2014


I'm back home, after a 15 hr flight and roughly 2 hr drive back. 
And jet lag is kicking my butt badly since I opted to watch a lot of movies on the flight back instead of sleeping. Hindsight is 20/20. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tribute to Robin Williams

I was shocked and saddened to find out the news yesterday. ( Taiwan's yesterday morning = US' Monday night .) 
I remembered him best from Jumanji and Fluber and, only found out later in the day from talking with my friends back home as we were recalling the films he was in, Aladdin as well. 
It's terrifying to find out how someone who seemed so comical, have so much going on in his life to cause such a result, if the media is telling the truth about his passing. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Teens of Valor - Chapter 2 page 3

Story so far: Lisa heads off on her own towards the burning building after hearing a faint cry for help. 
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I tried shading in a bit more for this week's page since, if I recall, the previous comic page was under-done. 
Next week will be another 'comic concept' and the week after is the next comic page. I need to start writing up more scripts/story details as I've caught up now, haha. 
It's not going to affect the post rate, since the script is mainly for getting my ideas organized out a lot better and not just replaying in my mind for the past few years. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Yep, pretty sure I fangirled while visiting the Marvel exhibit/store at the Comic Exhibition

Is there a difference between a "convention" and an "exhibition"? I know there's differences between a "conference" and an "exhibition". I have yet to go to San Diego Comic-Con (really want to) but just that little Marvel store made me happy so I'd probably die (figuratively) if I went to SDCC.
Below are just 3 of the 111 photos I took yesterday while at the exhibition. This year's was the 14th (or 15th?) annual and I think the one I went to years ago was likely the 7th or so. It grew immensely since then!

(Taipei Comic Exhibition at Taipei World Trade Center)

And here are 4 panoramas of the exhibition. All these have glimpses of just how many people were there Saturday afternoon. And apparently, on day 1 (which was a Thursday) got 100,000 visitors! There were so many publisher booths/sections with lines to follow! 

This last panorama shows the largest publishing group and the only a fraction of the line of people trying to get in. The line went beyond the wall in the far back right of the image and looped around way left of the image. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Keeping a journal was a heck of a lot easier as a kid.

Seriously! I could fill up a journal really quick as a kid, though if I recall correctly, about a quarter of the day's journal entry consisted of doodles or comics. I've been telling myself, "Oh I should write something for my blog" and it's been pretty much: "Meh, nothing eventful today" or "There's nothing to really write about".

That's mostly true I suppose since this summer I really didn't go out much; it was much too humid to do so, with the exception of the first week I got to Taiwan and the two days the typhoon actually hit Taiwan. That first week, since it was relatively cool and not quite summer yet (it was the last week of May), I went to visit Keelung, Taiwan. It's mostly a harbor city from what I could tell; you could smell the sea water. As for the two days the one typhoon that actually hit Taiwan, well, no one really should be wandering around outside for that anyways. While the winds and rain are bad, the weather gets a heck of a lot cooler with it around. Of the 4 typhoons that hit East Asia this summer, only 1 actually hit Taiwan. Japan got 3 of the 4 though.

I really should write more. They'll end up really short posts though. I might have something more eventful to write about this weekend. Convention tomorrow, offering (culture related "holiday") Sunday .

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Teens of Valor - 121 Weave Street City Apartments floor plan

The number got burned off in the fire, but this is the burned and stained floor plan of the building. 
The building was hinted at in the last panel of last week's comic page. Next comic page, there'll be more scenes involving this building. 
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I opted for a different type of comic concept for this week's.  Next week is a new comic page!