Sunday, July 27, 2014

Teens of Valor - Chapter 2 page 2

Story so far: Lisa can venture outside of the headquarters now, though with a member of HCOP watching her. 

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I didn't do the splash art as planned for this page; it didn't make sense for me to do so for these panels. Next page however, would make a probable splash art page. 
Next week is another comic concept post! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Teens of Valor - "Off to a Good Start" comic concept

So after that rough draft I posted earlier in the week, I still played around a bit with the buildings and the idea.

Then I started to clean up the rough paint and added minor details to the buildings. I also began adding smoke from the fire surrounding the buildings to add depth...and cover up empty spots. I tried to make the embers spiral towards the fire (or away, depending on which side you start) to get to viewer to focus on the fire rather than the rest of the image. Focal Point! 

To increase the focal point further, I added color only to that spot/the fire and its embers in the wind. 
Finally, I adjusted the color balance and levels.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

'Off to a Good Start' - a Teens of Valor comic concept, WIP1

Well, technically, this is WIP 2 since WIP 1 was a rough sketch/painting of a view from the alley. I opted for this point of view instead for a bit of a change up. 
I ended up scrapping this rough though and re-painting everything excluding the foreground elements. 
I need to remind myself to paint the sky first then layer things on top of that. 
I'm going to try to finish cleaning up WIP '3' before I post it.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Teens of Valor - Chapter 2 page 1

Story so far: Months has past since Lisa's brother was found and it seems the siblings reunion is still quite the talk around HCOP's headquarters/base. 

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Author's note: I didn't  get to put in the usual tone I would for the comic page this week. I had a few things pop up during the week  and completely forgot to put in the tone before placing the text. The reason I say that is of how I work with these comic pages; I draw and paint the stuff I need in Paint Tool SAI and then move the image into Manga Studio debut to put in the text.

Next week will be a 'comic concept' and the week after will be the next comic page. Right now I'm planning on making a large splash page possibly for the page but not guarantees;  I haven't figured out what I want it to look like yet. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Teens of Valor - Mess Hall

The Mess Hall, as it's called as opposed to the Cafeteria, was named so due to the literal food related messes members of Heroes for CoOperation (HCOP) had to deal with in its earlier years. 
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Next week will be a new comic page, the week after will be another comic concept. 
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I posted some of the WIPs earlier this week on my blog and Facebook page. Work in Progress progress can also be seen on my Behance profile's WIP section: Mess Hall (Teens of Valor WIP

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Teens of Valor- Mess Hall (WIPs)

7/2/14 10pm GMT+8

I decided what I wanted to paint for this week's Teens of Valor update; the Mess Hall. Nope, not the "cafeteria" but I've decided to name it the "Mess Hall". It's a bunch of superheroes with a range of age, what's to say there aren't any messes in the future? *laugh*

If any of the visitors are wondering why I'm posting a Teens of Valor image in the middle of the week instead of the usual weekend date (Sunday), I'm posting the Work In Progress images, so the final image for the Teens of Valor update will still be uploaded/scheduled for Sunday.

With that said, here are the WIPs so far!
It took me a while to get a sketch I wanted down; I still didn't get the right look I wanted but after scrapping two or three of the initial sketches, I decided to just use the one I had and paint in the changes. Keeping it loose.

From the final sketch to the base paint application to a smoothed out, but still messy painting, I think I spent around 5 hours on it so far. I can't recall when I started after dinner so on the low side, 4 hours and on the high side about 5 - 5.5 hours.