Sunday, January 13, 2019

Stylized Food studies

During the holidays, I decided to paint up some food studies, in a stylized style. Partially, I was inspired to do so, with how appetizing food is drawn & painted in the movies from Studio Ghibli and various anime series/films. 

Bacon & Eggs - from Studio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle

Danish Pastry - from Google photos

Fruit Pancakes - from Kimi no Namae Wa ("Your Name")

Hot Cocoa, with bread - from Google photos and Studio Ghibli respectively 

Ozoni (Mochi Miso Soup) - from Google photos

Red Velvet Cake (square) - from Google photos

Scout Astor Hummel - prop and character design

Kappack (backpack prop) - Ortho

Scout Astor Hummel - character design illustration 
initial sketch of Astor Hummel character design