Saturday, December 27, 2014

Housekeeping, can I call it that?

I've made the switch to letting more of followers aware I posted new deviations on dA. Previously, I would copy the shortened link and post it on my Facebook page, but that meant my Twitter had no indication of such. I figured since my Twitter was already linked to my Facebook page , and this blog, it'd make more sense to share it via Twitter. I'm glad there's a small thumbnail shown when it shows up on my Facebook page so people know what I'm posting aside from a link and text.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

It's finals week.

Well, technically next week is finals week but this week is the final week to finish the final projects.
After next week, I can finally unstress myself!  I plan on going back to old drawings and redrawing them. Wow, right now there's an odd adrenaline feeling going on. Wonder if it's because I surprisingly finished all 3 paintings earlier than I expected? Or just that I've been watching a lot of
police dramas. I just finished CSI: NY yesterday and just started watched Flashpoint.

In order to not be repeative across my social media sites, I actually won't post the final paintings on blogger. For anyone who wants to see those 3 paintings I mentioned, the most updated site is my Behance profile. My deviantART is probably a month behind in uploading work; I'm trying to spread out the uploads so I'm posting things over several weeks instead of all the work in 1 day.

Links to my behance and dA should be on the top of this blog.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Busy time , working towards final for classes' finals


 WIP2 for Digital Media II class' final. I plan on adding more details to the house's interiors and detailing the skulls more.

WIP 3 for Vis Dev 1 class' final.
It was pretty fun playing with the fog. The layout changed again, more so than previous 2 versions in which the manor got pushed back more and the gate further ahead. 

Character lineup 

WIP... 10? for Inspirational Art for Animation class' final series
I lost track of the character design process. It's WIP 3-4 for the color I think. I corrected the shading so they all follow on the same side. I also changed a few colors along Hook and Tink so they'd get defined a bit more.

Environment - Interior
Color keys

I did a quick value and color keys painting. On the lower left side are inspiration and color palettes that are geared towards the two color keys I did.