Saturday, March 29, 2014

Abandoned Dragon - 50 min speed paint

Topic theme from speed painting group: Abandoned Dragon 

I actually decided to use SAI to work on this; I started with rough sketch lines using the pen and then painting over it with a combination of pencil, pen, brush and water brushes. The painting still isn't tight but I got a little more done in the time limit than before. If my computer wasn't a little laggy, I probably could have gotten the painting a little tighter. I'm watching a live stream of the League of Legends LCS. 
If viewers look at the previous blog post, they might notice a similarity from this painting to my latter 2 thumbnails. 


  1. reminds me of Toothless

    1. Hahha, yea it does. I realized after I finished the head that it was pretty similar to Toothless.
