Monday, May 5, 2014

It's that time of the semester...

..where it's finals and end of the semester packing.

Past two weeks I've been worrying about if I'd have time to work on two of my finals but so far I think most of my worries have subsided. My final for Figure Modeling was my biggest concern; I think I posted something previous to this post about how we ended up not making our characters from scratch.
Beginning of class today stirred up my worries again; it didn't help that I somehow slept through all of my alarms to allow for breakfast time and woke up exactly in time to hurry off to the shuttle. I didn't get to eat any breakfast yet my stomach didn't grumble before our lunch break!

I wonder why I didn't hear either my 6:30am , 6:45 am or 7 am alarms. It's either because it was warm last night and I couldn't fall asleep, I got woken up from my roommate turning on a large light around 11 pm or I heard the microwave go off, door and all, around 11:20 pm. Or, it's all three.
I nearly panicked when I woke up to my 'head out to make it in time for the shuttle' alarm. I made it in time, with about 5-9 mins to spare but I really would have liked to have breakfast.
The other final I was, and slightly might be still, worried about was my Digital Media 1 final. It's a photo montage. Assuming my photo references are all ok for use, then I won't have as much to worry about because I'll be able to work on it during class, which means roughly 3 hours of working time. But if the photos aren't good and I need to retake them, that means I have nothing to work on during class and I have to get the photos retaken sometime when the sun's out. That's just gonna give me more stress I feel like.
It all depends on if I need to retake those photos. If I don't then I'm all good and can focus more on packing this weekend for move out.

It was nice taking a breather last Friday; I went to see The Amazing Spider Man 2 with a friend. I personally loved it.

Witty Spider Man has always been my favorite so the remake of the series was nice since I didn't like the gloomy Peter Parker.
I also like how they incorporated what happened in the first movie (The Amazing Spider Man) into the second movie and how they hint at what's to come in future movies.
*spoiler : Sinister Six!    /end spolier* 

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