Saturday, September 2, 2017

A little bit of late housekeeping

I found out recently my Wordpress blog was still active and the way I found out was a person commented on my page on my -at-the-time-portfolio work from 2013.

No offense to the person but I specifically wrote on home page that my Wordpress was going inactive so I was slightly confused why that person didn't go to my other links on the side to view my other social media.  In the end, I had to log into my Wordpress (after searching for my login ha!) and then redirect the person to my more up to date social media.

Anyways, the housekeeping part came in when I deleted that Wordpress blog and decided to make a post here to keep this blog a bit more current, since I failed to post anything since very early on this year.

So, what's been happening since my last post? A lot of course!

I graduated, job searched for artist related jobs, worked for about a month. Then I went to Taiwan for half a year for helping my mom take care of her dad (my grandpa), came back home, then  went to California for house viewing since my parents decided about 2 years into my studies at AAU, that, they wanted to move to California to be closer to my relatives there (and not have to deal with shoveling the snow here on the East Coast.)

And currently, we've been packing things around the house for the past month since we got back from California. My mom regrets so very much that we never did spring cleaning before the decision to move. At least 27 years worth of things, including, for some reason, my brother's elementary and 7th grade homework, a few notebooks of my 7th grade homework... Lesson learned: ALWAYS clean the house after a few years of things you don't need. Otherwise, it bites you back, hard.

Art wise, I've been drawing in between all the craziness of real life, between travels and family matters.
I made myself draw/paint 100 portraits/characters a few weeks back and been jumping between environment and vehicle designs after that personal challenge.
Additionally, I've been reworking on my comic from way back in 8th grade or so (some time in middle school) and just started redrawing page one earlier this week.

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