Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sketch dump of randomly drawn characters, if you can call them that.

I seriously need sound while I work so I ended up having anime episodes playing on the left half of my screen while I sketched these characters out. A few of them are a bit ...out there. 

I've got to say though, I really enjoyed the past 3 series I found and watched.
Symphogear's story was unique so it caught my interest. Actually all 3 were. Battle armor and weapons powered by song. People brought back to life to hunt the living dead and a girl who can identify if they're zombies or not with her eyes. A system that determines people's psychological state and a police force to capture or kill the criminals the system labels. 
Symphogear is still on going so I can wait to see what happens and how things came to be. The origins and what the end might entail.
Zombie Loan's anime didn't cover enough of the details in the manga sadly. The manga completed though so I definitely recommend those who are interested to read it! I enjoyed the twists and turns and "no-ways" it gave me. The ending was something I liked though I won't say more. 
Psycho Pass finished its first season and a second season is due to come out so I can't wait to see what the second season will bring. I can't say more than that since I'd end up spoiling it. It's a little bloody though so those who are sensitive to that, this would be a warning I guess. 
If I was watching Psycho Pass when I was younger and more fearful of what watching horror/semi-gore would do to my rather vivid imagination, I'd probably creep myself out, but I've been building up my tolerance. I guess I have to thank my curiosity and a friend of mine who loves horror, despite freaking herself out when she plays games like Amnesia or Slenderman (just to name two). 
I guess I'd be getting a few "Well, it's Amnesia, you really can't be not scared." To give an example, she freaked herself out from a candle or candlelight, I can't recall which one it was. For me, I became slightly tolerant of horror games from watching Youtube videos of people freak out while playing horror games like Fatal Frame , Slenderman and Amensia. But I've never played a horror game so I can't say I'm completely free from fear after all, I still don't dare myself to watch horror movies, much less trailers. But then again, I've been ok with reading horror manga and some horror animes. Maybe something about live versus animated. I'm not saying I don't get chills or jump out of my seat when I do read these manga or watch these anime, because I definitely still do!

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