Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Two projects, busy two (or so) weeks!

 Character design around a family aspect, but anchored in elemental powers (water, fire earth and air (clouds/sky)) and Japanese culture. To be specific, the idea was based on the Godai /Five Elements (Japanese philosophy) but without the void part of the elements.

The temple in the background a real life temple in Okinawa (Gokoku-ji , which means "Protection of the Nation Temple). The reason I chose this temple, aside from the shape, was because of the family's last name, Gushiken, meaning "strong willed", comes from Okinawa origin.

Similarly, the names of the characters are based off their element in Japanese. Some are more direct while others are a bit loosely based.
"Mizu", meaning water, became Mizuki.
"Ka", or "hi meaning fire, and "Kaen", meaning blaze, stayed the same.
"Chi" or "Tsuchi" meaning Earth became Daichi (which could be literally translated as 'big earth' )
"Sora" mean sky, stayed the same. (Cloud in Japanese is 'kumo' but making a female name from that didn't work out.)

The other project I've been working on!
The idea, after various thumb nails , was to either have the vehicle on a racetrack, or in a workshop. I ended up picking the workshop idea for better dramatic lighting. 

 I posted the character and vehicle design parts on the previous post I made. Eventually these will be posted onto my dA and/or website.  for a bigger view of those pieces, but parts have been posted onto my Instagram.

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