Saturday, August 3, 2013

Spreadsheets and more spreadsheets...and brainstorming?

Changing that font thing is annoying; I wonder how the default looks though. 
Might as well test it. Oh it's actually not that bad; this means I can just start typing without having to remind myself about the font style.

I usually start my day with checking deviantART daily deviations to check out what sort of tutorials might have made the DD. Today there was a tutorial on planning novels (I've linked it for any of those who want to give it a read) and there were two things I took away from it. One is to write down all ideas, because it's very likely you'll forget them. Luckily for me, I've been able to remember the more major scenes of my story and the rest of the earlier events have been 'documented' through my attempts at comic-ing (that's probably not a word) during middle school and early high school. There's at least 6 books!! Though they're all different sizes since I literally took notebooks from school that I couldn't fill, ripped out the notes and used those pages as the comic book while stapling a hand drawn cover for them. Definitely not anything presentable, both on the exterior and interior. 

The second thing I took away was making a spreadsheet of *all* your characters. To paraphrase, even the cab driver should get documented! 
Anyways, I plan on roughly setting up an excel spreadsheet and perhaps the character relationships in a notebook. 
I need to remind myself to use those page breaks from now on, since my older posts, especially those with lots of images, extend the whole page a bit more than it needs to be. I won't go back into older posts and fix those though. 

Time to open up youtube, find music mixes and start spreadsheeting-ing (definitely not a word) and drawing!

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