Friday, January 24, 2014

Had a plot issue in one of my brainstorms for following chapters

3:20 pm eastern

more brainstorming :
original brainstorm of the path
Search route, didn't join:
-- during the search time, Lisa is sent to the training room to see what her abilities are. At the moment, the only known ability is 'able to breath in space' due to her abilities.
search route, did join:
I just got the sudden idea that this search mission is the first one where Lisa is allowed to leave the headquarters, with an escort, who really is like a watch dog over her. This would lead to her saving a young male adult from the burning building because she could hear his cry for help over the roaring flames.  Actually no I can't use this mission story line yet, she hasn't found out what her powers are yet so flight is impossible for Lisa.

 I realized there was a forced story plot involving why Lisa would even go to the city later on. I have another story plot where Lisa meets Rose Water for the first time, but masked. She heads to a city with a watchdog (member of the group who is to watch over her or watch her since the trust isn't established fully yet) but I didn't decide why she went to the city.

There would have to be a reason for her to go to the city; perhaps search for the brother...or maybe the cousin.

Actually in terms of timeline, searching for the cousin would make more sense than looking for the brother.
That means, during the search for her brother, Lisa doesn't join but rather is sent to the training room to see what her abilities are.
After the siblings are reunited, and argue over their shared experience, the group allows for a side mission of searching for their cousin. Lisa's first trip to the city would be the search for her cousin and her first meeting with Rose Water. Rose Water's face would be covered with a mask as well as most of her body, in a cap and mantle get-up.

- bio-bomb went off route:
heroes have to contain the mess, Spark Shock is getting a serious talking to, clip of the large news story cover is displayed, Lisa notices in a frame someone she believes to be her brother - further close up and frame clean up proves her suspicion.

- bio-bomb didn't go off route:
Spark Shock is getting questioned why she put personal relations and emotions in front of the task, there is no large news story cover on the event at Curquill City, only the arrest of Mitchens, brother isn't in background of news cover,
-- this means brother's introduction isn't until later, but I haven't figured out how exactly without making it too forced. I could bring him up in a later conflict/mission but I haven't figured out how to bring the conversation up. It would require Cogs and his investigation search, a sketch of the brother and Blue Eye mentioning she recognizes the person (looking on the screen Cogs is using). Since they know he's a real person, they know that the "story" Lisa told Cogs is actually true and thus starts the search for the brother (and cousin, but no visual confirmation yet so there are no leads on the cousin yet). A group is sent to search Curquill City and the surrounding cities since the evac suggested possible leaving of the city but no confirmation on a return.

I'm replaying these scenarios in my head to make sure what works.
Page 6 would start with Team Q confirming the call in of the location. Team Q would roughly split into two groups; one group would confront Mitchens and the other would try disarming the bio-bomb or at least contain it if everything fails. If it comes to containing, back up must be called in for containing the chemicals. Team Q don't have the capabilities of containing; they're an offensive team not a defensive team.

I'll plan out the rest of the page later tomorrow.

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