Saturday, January 20, 2018


As part of my redesigning of my comic, Teens of Valor, I sketched out a panel frame to figure out how I wanted to set a scene I was envisioning. The goal was to allow me to have both the scope of the room shown as the main character enters in the hall. 

Color wise, I could improve since the palette isn't as appealing as I'd like. There were a lot of muted colors to work with as I was using browns around the room so that probably played a part in the unappealing color palette. Browns with the gray purple-blue walls really don't mix well hahaa. My default of gray and blues came into play again for sci-fi. 

I tried playing with an orange hue mask, and a blue hue mask.

With the blue hue mask, the Earth hologram stayed the blue I envisioned but a lot of the other colors I had made for the other characters got lost. 

The orange hue mask helped pop the main character's red jacket, but it made the Earth hologram and machinery glows too evil looking. The other characters' colors also got lost in this hue mask. 

Regardless of which hue mask I choose, both have their pros and cons, but both do help unify the color palette. 

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